Blank Bulletin Board

For the unforeseeable future and the forgettable past there will be nothing happening of any note. Thumb tacks brass and plastic-headed will remain like unnamed constellations in a cosmic void made of black construction paper but of one thing you may be certain, this space is saved. Watch it. Watch this space. Where the general announcement is that there are no announcements whatsoever, no births, deaths, parties, sorties, camping trips, country western blue grass reggae island music bands this Saturday or next Tuesday, no massage sessions, nor yoga, nor selling of imitation Balinese artifacts or refrigerators or '53 Chevy pickups with wraparound windows, or great deals on nutrimax vitamin suppositories, or dog stories, or worm casting — none of it — though this these those though they be not here nor there will however for the benefit of all and sundry — these shall in their absence be framed. Stalwart as a ship's cabin and permanent as a wine stain on mother's dress, this frame is heretofore hung for our community's pleasure and everlasting plethora of inactivity.




Everything Happens At Night