I Don’t Care Anymore

I don’t care anymore
and the next word is hole
a very tiny arrangement
with sphincter-like musculature
and the guillotine decisiveness
of an old-fashioned single lens reflex

not obscura
more the fuck you ra

because I don’t care

and there’s so much I don’t care about
so much that will not fit through that
tiny pinprick

if it doesn’t fit then sayonara suckers
with all your politicizing your bureaucratizing
your proselytizing your capitalizing your
monetarizing your theorizing your down-
sizing and your upsizing I’m done I’m through

the magazine subscription reorder forms
make great book markers anyway and landfill
does it ever reach the recycling center?

Oh yeah I forgot
I don’t care

excuse me while I take a sip
brush a hair from the page
filter out the sound of a passing mynah
sit up straighter so the breath
will find my toes
press my thumb against the table edge
just so

think of Kipling Empire and dead queens
which reminds me of that nonsense
about the champagne and Kalakaua
I’d drink too wouldn’t you?
but the military outfits...

my hand isn’t fast enough to say it with ink
and these abstractions begging me to say
Get knotted calligraphers of the world!
Untie or die!
Do you care? Do I care if you do or don’t care?
And that rhymes with not fair their share
who’s the mayor and she’s a player
Bayer Bayer your beehive’s on fire
and the beetles don’t even like honey

I don’t care so much it hurts

I woke up last night talking to a ghost
and she said you have to stop caring
but she didn’t say “anymore”
like the raven or not like the raven

She said just stop


Christina’s World


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