I Stay Tight As A Bud
I stay tight as a bud the rest depends
upon the weather and whether I can
drink your water through my toes
see how the petals nest inside each other
the one spinning against the outside my
overcoat these 64 years keeping all this
together note the elbows frayed
the patina of encounters in late
night conditions the slowest to bloom
that's what they say or what a waste
to quote my mother but I'm not complaining
nodding yes can't you see agreement
with the all when it's in front of you
resilience is everything to me the colors
with their elemental promises of one
long parade that day will come and all
the horses with their leis float up like Chagall's
kites making sunrise and sunset at once
I never get tired of the word epiphany
though it's out of fashion I know and
I know too the many splendored day
should never be saved up it must be spent
woken up lifted against the eternal night