It Goes Like This

It goes like this there was weather and people in outfits
crying too and my father hands in trouser pockets his
cuffs belled out over his shoes he was Clark Gable in
-cognito later I would attend college near the famed
actor’s home town unless that was a drunken rumor

this however was fact my own birth I remember it well
the release the lights the rush of air I look back on wet
claustrophobia the little movements when my mother
surrendered her bicycle to the gods of the pavement
those moments were not my style though I am open

to contrary opinions Paddington it was the hospital
not the station subsequent visits to both confirmed
my suspicion it was a grey world entered either way
when my cave turned inside out when her waters broke
and I tumbled helpless in the shallow waves onshore

in view of all but out of reach until I got my drivers
license it was raining that day too with some sun


An Incredible Number Of Coincidences


Putting Away The Firewood