It's Always One Of Those Days

It's always one of those days you find yourself
gently winkling some imaginary debris
out of the corner of your right eye
I suppose when a sleeper comes away
on the tip of your index finger
that's reality and you can move on

when I was a kid I read that Crusoe
kept track with marks and when his
indigenous friend aka the slave turned up
he was named Friday

what if we were all named after the day
we all turned up Hi nice to meet you
I'm Sunday...but then there's the question
of turning up which I think more forgiving
than being born or that other cruder
handing on of the genetic line in the term

no I like turning up because it gives
both the turnee and turner
a balanced sense of presence
but I suppose what you don't want
to hear as you commence your stay
because being here is one thing
telling the tale quite another

what you don't want is someone
to yawn widely and let out of their mouths
the damning phrase Oh it's always
one of those if there couldn't
possibly be anything at all remotely
heroic in your turning up just
an ordinary event

no shooting star just a little dust
found its way to the corner
of somebody's eye and waiting
to be revealed as real
or imaginary




It Repeats