
After last night’s rain all the doors still open
air cooler glad I moved those forty pound bags
of salt under cover I see there’s a good breeze
outside high branches of avocado cedar bamboo
palm lift twist wave I reach for the cup
that breaks the fast night cut short but I
waited till dawn anyway in this alchemy
of remorse and intention arose seeking
that dark cattleya in the next room itself dark
why is the house so reluctant to give up
the night I turned on the light and lifted
the orchid higher so I could see the fiesta
deep inside her unfurled petticoats
Rioja red I look to her this morning
in these strange times so many of us
hunkered down if we’re wise denied
our incidental encounters I turn to this
flower the heavy buds I brought indoors
in days fat with secrecy and now she’s
unfolding her petals calmly slowly
whole days get born then die her leaves
battered and bruised I regret the neglect
suffered there in the orchid shack
too much water and the long reach
of the sun and yet she blooms and
I will deliver my gratitude for her to you




The Relevance Of The Shoreline