What’s Being Done That We’re Not Aware Of

[Prompt from Lehua Kawaikapuokalani FB post 8-21-20 (says 2d: the 19th?)]

What’s being done that we’re not aware of
what’s new in this what’s slow to fill
the glass that is your life okay I passed it
around waited for the morning breeze
was it that waiting that fell on my eyes was that
the heaviness that kept my feet on the ground
all the way to your place how many times
I look up and get a shock wow how did I
get here who was driving that’s a question
I reach inside find it’s not there I don’t know
who took it these days I think it might
have been me I listen for the sound of the motor
but nothing pulls up outside my door no one
comes these days there’s a distance that grows
inside everything near to me I bought the entire
inventory and didn’t open half of it what
can I do I’ve got tomorrow ahead of me
or so I like to think how can I keep opening
what I didn’t notice about the day before
yesterday the whole house vibrates
but it’s still not for me I can sit tight
clean out one drawer at a time the calendar
is empty and I’ve got nowhere to go so
much I don’t know about you about me I
keep waking up promising to pay attention
this time this minute look at the headlines


What If Dark Matter


My First Marbles