For Arika The Seeing Eye Dog
The paws twitch
the fleas itch
can you imagine the vast reaches
the ridges the gulches the long lashes
not to mention the wilderness of the tail
where follicle to follicle and strand to strand
through the dense fur of the seeing eye dog on
her side how the opportunistic flea
makes its way in that clawtooth ingrown
toenail sort of way that ectoskeletal inside
out dastardly impish trollish out
from under a rock in a dark don't
put your finger in there sort of way
only to find a landscape washed and treated
for invasive species of all walks and hops
just read the label flea! Your days are done!
Meantime in dreamtime the hostess
with the harness vibrates at rest with
the memory of long sun-baked walks down
open highway say Akoni Pule where
one scent can take you through the green
overgrowth into the shadowy leafy
undergrowth in pursuit of mongoose
rat chicken dog or best yet cat
but remember ah remember this
all in a dream-haze because out there
in wakefulness reason hath overtaken
instinct long since and the wildness tamed
like exquisite calligraphy of the soul
to flourish in two worlds the world of dog
dreams and the world of eyes
for the mistress both concurrently
till, that is, one is in recline
when one is allowed to dream