Stopping By The Smith River

Stopping by to see the Smith River
it's been awhile we both lay down
put our heads together and talked
the current state of affairs running
right through our toes fingers hair
till I grew silent but she babbled on
incessant with no punctuation no
pause to her stream of consciousness
unless you call that beautiful laughing
water dancing marks of exclamation
I don't know I couldn't interrupt
once she'd started once she
recognized me by voice or impressions
made on her over the years by my
two daughters son and wife this life
she'd start to say this life what a gift
right? From high up in the mountains
all the way downstream to great mother
ocean and everything between
take that willow there thickening
under stones so smooth from being held
touched rolled so many times how
the willow branches show us the way
things tend to lean new buds on their
stripped down story of how things went
last winter yeah I finally managed to say
I know and looking up saw the great trees
leaning in eavesdropping
like it was all news


Sweet Life Patisserie


For Arika The Seeing Eye Dog